NWSRA Village
Welcome to NWSRA Village!
NWSRA recognizes the benefit of sharing information about resources to assist family members of NWSRA participants. The purpose of NWSRA Village is to provide an online platform for NWSRA and participants' family members to communicate about resources that may be of assistance.
We have heard your voice!
Through the Strategic Planning process, several parents expressed their desire for a way to better exchange information of this type with other NWSRA parents. NWSRA staff set out on a goal to increase access for parents and other family members through an easy to use, cost effective, mobile friendly site. The Facebook Group platform offers these capabilities and others that can help NWSRA families to connect. If you have any questions or would like more information about NWSRA Village, please contact Brian Selders at 847-392-2848, ext. 264 or e-mail him at bselders@nwsra.org. Please consider joining NWSRA Village on Facebook!
See eligibility below.
Eligibility to Take Part in the Facebook Group:
To join NWSRA Village, you must be 18 years of age or older and be a parent/guardian or family member of a participant. Current members of NWSRA staff may post information for the group via the NWSRA Facebook administrator.
Content for the Facebook page will be reviewed by NWSRA staff before posting, for compliance with the content and use rules described below.
Content should focus primarily on services or resources in the northwest suburbs that pertain to recreation, therapy, or other related interests or needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.
Solicitations for business on behalf of for-profit entities are not allowed.
NWSRA prohibits posts or shared resources that constitute hate speech, are threatening, or pornographic; incite violence; contain nudity or graphic violence; promote the use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs; or promote political activity or campaigns.
Posts that contain personally identifiable information about other participants or their families will not be permitted.
NWSRA reserves the right to decline or terminate an individual’s access to the NWSRA Village Facebook Group platform based on ineligibility or non-compliance with the content and use rules explained above.
Intended Audience
NWSRA family members interested in:
Sharing resources or suggestions on topics including transportation, community support groups, volunteer opportunities, and programming ideas that may be of interest to individuals with disabilities or their families.
Sharing informational videos, other resources, or comments relating to NWSRA and its programs.
Promoting advocacy efforts for individuals with disabilities.
Communicating information about opportunities for carpooling to or from NWSRA programs or events. Please note that NWSRA does not arrange and is not responsible for carpooling arrangements. Carpooling plans or opportunities must be communicated directly between participant families.
Meeting the unique needs of our participants and their families is NWSRA’s top priority. Staff receive ongoing training on customer service best practices and are dedicated to providing the highest quality recreation experiences possible. If you wish to ask a question or express a concern about NWSRA and its services, you are encouraged to contact NWSRA directly at 847-392-2848 or by e-mailing marketing@nwsra.org. Questions or concerns regarding the Facebook group page should be directed to Brian Selders at 847-392-2848, ext. 264 or bselders@nwsra.org.
Thank you for helping us to create outstanding opportunities through recreation!