Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA) has partnered with Connect to Community to assess transportation needs, accommodations & obstacles throughout the northwest suburbs of Chicago. This project will help to provide valuable insight to decision-makers throughout our area regarding the transportation needs of individuals with disabilities and their families.
Survey Progress:
Phase 1: Survey
Phase 2: Analysis of data/creation of initial report
Phase 3: Focus Groups
Phase 4: Preparation of Final Report
Phase 5: Release of Final Report
Phase 6: Gathering of Community Partners to Review Report/Determine Next Steps
The purpose of project is to gain a richer understanding of transportations needs of individuals with disabilities, how they are are and aren't being met, and ways this affects their lives. Through the focus groups held, we learned more about ways to help families negotiate the obstacles. The focus groups built on the knowledge gained through the survey, and further helped us meet the three research objectives that have guided this entire process:
To develop a richer understanding of how individuals with disabilities are currently blending private and public forms of transportation to meet their needs (i.e. educational, employment, medical, recreation, and social, etc.);
To explore to what degree individuals with disabilities, families, and care providers encounter transportation related constraints and barriers; and,
To facilitate awareness of the services individuals with disabilities, families, and care providers currently use.
The goal of the project is to provide transportation providers, policy makers, and service providers with the transportation-related realities families and agencies are negotiating as they attempt to help individuals with disabilities more fully integrate into our communities.
NWSRA has enriched the lives of children and adults with disabilities as a partnership of 17 northwest suburban Park Districts by providing outstanding recreational opportunities for over 40 years. NWSRA holds the distinction of Distinguished Accredited Agency from the Illinois Park and Recreation Association, and won the National Recreation and Park Association Excellence in Inclusion Award for national leadership in diversity and inclusion initiatives. If you are interested to learn more about NWSRA’s programs and success stories, please visit our website: www.nwsra.org, or contact Brian Selders at 847-392-2848 or e-mail marketing@nwsra.org
About Connect to Community
Founded in 2013, Connect to Community is a nonprofit organization serving young adults with developmental disabilities and their families in the northwest suburbs. With a focus on preparing for and navigating the transition out of educational entitlements and into a full and meaningful life in the community, CTC hosts monthly seminars and informational tours to educate families on transition-related topics. And believing that employment is for everyone, no matter what the disability, CTC offers person-centered Customized Employment services to meet the unique vocational needs of area young adults.