NWSRA is committed to providing access to information and transparency in the communities it serves. Below is are resources to assist the public in obtaining information. We welcome your feedback and/or questions.
Freedom of Information Act
In compliance with the Freedom of Information Act, to submit a request please submit the following form:
Freedom of Information Act Form with Fee Schedule (printable pdf)
Please refer to the NWSRA budget by clicking the "Budget" link in the Frequently Requested Information section.
For more information on NWSRA expenditures, please contact the NWSRA FOIA Officer listed above.
Salary and benefit information
In conjunction with the Open Meetings Act (A 5 IL CS 120/7) the TCP information for IMRF covered employee earnings is available at the NWSRA office at:
Northwest Special Recreation Association:
3000 W. Central Rd., Suite 205, Rolling Meadows, IL 60008
Please ask for the Executive Director or Superintendent of Administrative Services to review the materials.
FOIA & Transparency Center
To ensure our administration offices remain ADA compliant, we have partnered with WT Group to conduct an evaluation and create an action plan. These documents can be found below:
Town Hall Meetings
NWSRA is excited to host quarterly Town Hall Meetings to keep our stakeholders up to date and educated on all things NWSRA. Below our recordings of the meetings.
NWSRA is a member of:
Member District Assessments
For information on member district assessments, please refer to the NWSRA budget by clicking the "Budget" link above, listed under "Frequently Requested Information".
In addition, click here to read about how your tax dollars are utilized to serve children and adults with disabilities throughout 17 northwest suburbs of Chicago.
ADA Compliance Officers
Bid Documents
2017 Bid Results
Furniture Bid
Printing Projects Bid
14 Passenger Vehicle Bid
IT Services RFP