About Us
Northwest Special Recreation Association (NWSRA) provides outstanding opportunities through recreation for children and adults with disabilities. NWSRA has grown tremendously over its 44 year history. NWSRA provides over 2,000 recreational programs and receives more than 14,000 registrations annually. Athletics are very popular at NWSRA, with over 600 athletes competing in 16 sports.
NWSRA has received the National Recreation and Park Association Excellence in Inclusion Award, given to one organization throughout the nation that has proven its leadership in the promotion of inclusion and diversity initiatives.
Member Park Districts
NWSRA serves 17 northwest suburban communities in partnership with member Park Districts, providing day camps, weekly programs, trips, special events, cultural arts and more.
Click here to view a full list of Member Park Districts and obtain contact information!
NWSRA full-time staff hold degrees in Therapeutic Recreation or closely related fields, certifications with state and/or national professional recreation associations and skills that include:
Program Development
Behavior Management
Lifting and transferring techniques
Defensive Driving
Water Safety Instruction
Hundreds of Part-Time staff and Volunteers lead a variety of programs throughout the year, gaining experience, making connections and working with the types of recreational programs that meet their interests.
ADA Compliance
The Northwest Special Recreation Association will comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which prohibits discrimination in the provision of programs, services or activities to individuals with disabilities. Programs in our brochure are suggested for certain age groups and disability classifications so that programs can be designed to meet specific needs. However, any individual desiring to participate in a program not suggested for his or her age or disability group, may contact our staff at 847/392-2848. Every attempt at reasonable accommodation will be made so that the individual may participate in the desired program. If you have any questions about the NWSRA policy regarding ADA, or believe you have been unfairly discriminated against in the provision of programs, services or activities of the Northwest Special Recreation Association, please contact ADA Compliance Officers, Tracey Crawford or Andrea Griffin at 847/392-2848. A procedure is available for the prompt resolution of your complaint with NWSRA.

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