
Sibshops provide opportunities for the siblings of children with disabilities the chance to meet, and engage in peer support in a recreational setting. They are able to meet new friends, hang out and participate in a wide variety of recreational activities! Sibshops are intended for siblings of children with disabilities ages 8-12 years old.
The NWSRA Sibshops program additionally offers a parent meeting during our monthly program. Parents can meet, chat and discuss issues they maybe facing as a family. It is a great way to learn about additional resources. The parent meeting is just a drop in, no notice necessary.
Twice a year the Sibshops program offers entire family events. In the summer we host our Sibshops Family Picnic/Camp out, and in the winter our Holiday Party.
Recently, NWSRA has expanded our Generation One Sibshops Facilitator family to 5 full-time staff.
NWSRA’s program is recognized on the National Sibling Support Project web page! We appreciate all of our partners who have assisted us in furthering the message of support and inclusion. Check out the listing by clicking here.
For more information contact Anita Trzebunia, Generation One Facilitator at or 847/392-2848 ext. 250.