PURSUIT is designed to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities 21 years and older throughout the year through four core elements: Recreation & Leisure, Skills & Self Advocacy, Community Integration and Health & Wellness. PURSUIT is licensed by the Department of Human Services, Division of Developmental Disabilities. If you are interested in joining PURSUIT, please contact Katrina Wiegand at 847-392-2848, ext. 259 or e-mail katrinaw@nwsra.org, or Danielle Olson at 847-392-2848, ext. 238
or e-mail dolson@nwsra.org.

Rise and Shine
Rise and Shine is available as a drop in program. This is a low structured program allowing individuals time to have a cup of coffee, read the paper with staff, watch a morning show or work out. Punch cards must be purchased in advance from the NWSRA office and can be purchased any time.
Punch Cards:
5 visit card - $65.00
10 visit card - $130.00
Take a Tour
Continuous throughout the year, subject to availability.
Participants must be at least 21 years old, have a disability, and apply through Clearbrook. A two week trial will be initiated following the initial intake assessment in order to determine eligibility and needs.
PURSUIT Mission Statement:
To provide opportunities for continued growth for adults with disabilities through recreation and leisure activities that are fulfilling and enriching.
PURSUIT Vision Statement:
To be a leading force providing adult day programming options to enrich the life experiences of the adult participants and their families in the communities we serve.