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NWSRA Staff and Participant

The Heart of the Community is comprised of donors, advocates, families, friends, staff and volunteers and community organizations committed to the idea that children and adults with disabilities should have access to safe and innovative recreational programming within their communities. Through the expansion of programming space in collaboration with partner Park Districts, current and future NWSRA sites will provide a diverse range of recreational options. Certified staff provide the tools and leadership for individuals with disabilities to achieve their personal goals, including social skills, community integration, health & wellness, sensory integration and more.

PURSUIT and STAR Academy

The PURSUIT Adult Day Program is currently hosted at the Rolling Meadows, Hanover Park, Mt. Prospect, Wheeling and Buffalo Grove locations.  STAR Academy After Care is hosted at the Rolling Meadows and Mt. Prospect locations.  Through the collaborative efforts of Clearbrook and NWSRA, these programs provide continued growth through enriching recreational activities.

Heart of the Community logo

In your community, 1 out of 10 individuals has a disability, and over 79% of individuals with disabilities reported barriers to physical activity in spite of legislative requirements and existing accommodations. Through the collective efforts of donors, volunteers and advocates, accessible recreation that is integral to the quality of life for individuals with disabilities in your community is made possible.

Heart of the Community

Heart of the Community- Rolling Meadows
Heart of the Community- Hanover Park
Heart of the Community- Mt. Prospect
Heart of the Community- Wheeling
Heart of the Community Buffalo Grove

Snoezelen Sensory Room

NWSRA and its fundraising arm, Special Leisure Services Foundation (SLSF), are also committed to the building of a Snoezelen® Sensory Room at each location. Through technology and innovative design, the Snoezelen® room is a controlled multi-sensory environment that helps to create a therapeutic alliance between the participant and staff as well as a safe place to develop life skills. In addition, all locations will a host a variety of recreational programming, unique to the interests and needs of each community and their surrounding area.

Snoezelen Sensory Room participant and staff
Snoezelen Sensory Room

Snoezelen Sensory Room

Be the Heart the Community, support NWSRA today.

Donate. Advocate. Volunteer.

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