NWSRA/SLSF Annual Report
In 2021, NWSRA and SLSF collectively worked to address the social, physical, and cognitive needs of children and adults with disabilities through outstanding recreational opportunities. From the opening of the community garden at Hanover Park Park District and the installation of a Snoezelen Sensory Room at Wheeling Park District to the start of construction for the sixth programming site at Hoffman Estates Park District - the staff, Boards, families, and supporters worked together to open new doors of opportunity. Throughout the year, NWSRA continued to provide outstanding programming; both virtual and in-person. Certified full-time staff assisted participants in a wide variety of programs and services while maintaining health and safety. This year, NWSRA strengthened its bond with the community as we worked together with our local partners to explore new and creative ways to support individuals with disabilities to recreate and have meaningful connections with their peers and their community. It is due to the generosity and dedication of our partners and people like you that we are able to create new opportunities and incredible experiences for people with disabilities in the Northwest Suburbs.
Our 2021 Annual Report highlights the accomplishments and financial positions of both NWSRA/SLSF.